The City of Liverpool CollegeCollege of Sanctuary - The City of Liverpool College
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30th November 2023

College of Sanctuary

Liverpool is proud to be a city that celebrates the contribution of those who come here for safety. It has a rich cultural heritage and for generations, has offered a home to people fleeing persecution from around the world. In 2012, Liverpool started its City of Sanctuary movement and the City of Liverpool college is proud to be joining this movement by becoming a College of Sanctuary.

Sharing our Pledge


Our pledge 

The City of Liverpool College supports the ‘City of Sanctuary’ vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all, offering sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution. We endorse the City of Sanctuary Charter and agree to act in accordance with City of Sanctuary values and apply the network principles within our work (as far as our specific context enables us to).

The City of Liverpool College has been welcoming and working with refugees and asylum seekers for many years and recognises the contribution of people seeking sanctuary. We are proud to share the values and commitment to social justice of the Colleges of Sanctuary and believe in providing equal opportunities for everyone. We understand that displacement due to war and conflict can be an extremely traumatic experience for individuals, families, and communities, we therefore engage with trauma informed practices and inclusive pedagogies, and our student services ensure that sanctuary seekers have the tools they need to thrive.

Sanctuary seekers are included and supported within our context. The college is always seeking ways that we can further break down barriers, raise awareness about the challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers, increase understanding and build community cohesion. We expect our partners and stakeholders to support the college and local City of Sanctuary groups where they exist.

The College is committed to building and continuing this work both within the region and nationally, acting as an adviser and ambassador for organisations across the country. We are willing for our organisation’s name to be added to a list of supporters of City of Sanctuary, linked to our website. We are also willing to be contacted by City of Sanctuary with further ideas for how we can turn our support into practical action and to discuss ways we might work together to promote the vision further.

What this means for us

Over the years, the college has worked closely with sanctuary seekers and ensured that the college environment is safe, caring, and supportive for all. We want to build a community in which all members have a basic appreciation and understanding of the people with whom they share their lives. This includes developing understanding of the experiences of new arrivals, visitors, migrant workers and students as well as people whose families have lived here for generations, continuously identifying ways in which we might be able to support them and make them feel welcome.

We will further develop understandings of trauma informed approaches that can support many of our staff and students who identify as asylum seekers and refugees as they might have experienced multiple traumas, cultural and geographical dislocation. Staff will also develop greater expertise in understanding how they can support their learners in overcoming language barriers and wider social disadvantages.

We are looking forward to working together in extending our current provision, growing community partnerships and planning for ways in which we can meet the needs of all of our students.


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