The City of Liverpool CollegeCareers Advice and Guidance - The City of Liverpool College
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Careers Advice and Guidance


The Gatsby Benchmarks – our commitment to learners

The eight Gatsby Benchmarks provide a framework around which secondary schools and colleges can develop and improve their careers programme. They are used to form the basis of best practice in careers guidance, information and advice.

We are committed to meeting all eight of the benchmarks to ensure all our learners receive high quality careers guidance and can make well-informed decisions about their future. Through several national pilot schemes, the Benchmarks have been proven to raise the aspirations of young people and prepare each learner to be as work ready as they possibly can.

Download Gatsby Benchmarks

What we offer

Our qualified and experienced careers advisors offer professional, impartial and confidential advice and guidance to current students and prospective applicants.

We provide

  •   Impartial guidance interviews
  •   Help with choosing the right course, researching careers, applying to university and preparing to look for jobs
  •   A drop-in, telephone and email information, advice and guidance service
  •   Referral to external organisations or other college support services.

This will help you to understand more about courses, career choices and the range of opportunities available to you.

Book an appointment 

Not a college student yet but want to discuss college options?

Members of the Careers Advice and Guidance team are available to discuss your course and career options. We operate throughout the summer and can help you secure a college place for September.

Applicants can drop into the College for advice on courses.

When:   Monday – Friday, 10am – 3pm

Where:  The Arts Centre, Myrtle Street, L7 7JA

Email or call 0151 252 3607


Themed careers guidance

In addition to offering personal careers guidance interviews to all college learners, the Careers Advice and Guidance team organise a range of wider careers and employability activities, including:

  •   Presentations by a range of employers, universities and partners
  •   Employability workshops
  •   Annual careers fair
  •   Bespoke cross-college careers events.

The Careers Programme provides an insight into the activities on offer this year. However, other activities will be delivered in collaboration with individual departments to meet the needs of all students.

Download the 2023-24 Careers Programme here

                  New T-Levels Qualification to Support Economic Recovery                  Smiling woman filling in application with smiling man using laptop

Click on any title below to find out more.

Careers Advice and Guidance (CAG) Advisors

Careers Advice and Guidance (CAG) is delivered by a team of Matrix accredited, fully qualified and impartial careers advisers who are available throughout the week, all year round.  Speak to a member of the team about the options available to help you make the right choice about your next step…we’re here to help!

Your Views

We hope you are happy with our service. We like to collect feedback from guidance interviews, just in case there is anything you think we can improve on.

Careers Leader

Gillian Williams is the Director of Personal Development and Progression, and is a member of the College’s Strategic Leadership team. Gillian provides strategic leadership to the careers provision at The City of Liverpool College.

Gatsby Foundation Benchmarks

Gatsby Foundation Benchmarks 

The College’s careers programme is guided by eight Gatsby Foundation benchmarks which underpin our approach to careers education, information, advice and guidance.

We aim to:

  • have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers and employers;
  • provide good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities;
  • offer different career guidance needs at different stages, where opportunities for advice and support are tailored to the needs of each pupil;
  • link curriculum learning with careers for a wide range of future career paths;
  • facilitate opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace;
  • provide first-hand experience of the workplace, to help with exploration of career opportunities;
  • ensure our students understand the full range of learning opportunities available to them, including both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and the workplace; and
  • provide guidance interviews with a trained careers adviser.
Providing Access for Local Employers and Organisations

The Careers Advice and Guidance team is committed to giving our students meaningful encounters with employers, universities and other support agencies. Throughout the year we organise a range of events and sessions for students and we hold an annual careers fair with more than 30 employers in attendance.

Examples of our partnership work include Unilever, Matalan, the National Careers Service, University of Central Lancashire, Liverpool John Moores University,  the Prince’s Trust, Bridging the Gap, Liverpool Families into Work, Elevate, Positive Inclusion Project, Shaping Futures, and many more.

If you are an educational provider, employer or support agency and are interested in supporting the work we do with our students, we’d love to hear from you.

Please email:

Information for Parents and Carers

All students have access to careers advice and guidance appointments at college. A team of fully qualified careers advisers operate across all college sites, and parents and carers are welcome to attend appointments if they choose.

All students aged 16 – 24 will be offered a careers guidance appointment during the last term, however students and parents can book appointments with the Careers Advice and Guidance team at any point in the year.  The team operate during half-term and this is a good opportunity for parents and carers to book appointments, if required.

E-clips Online Careers Platform

As part of our commitment to prepare students for a rapidly changing world, we are delighted to announce that we are using an innovative online resource called E-clips.

All students enrolled at The City of Liverpool College will be given access to this E-clips careers resource to support their career decision making. Parents and carers will also have access to this resource.