The City of Liverpool CollegeJessica Middleton - Photographer - The City of Liverpool College
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Jessica Middleton – Photographer

Jessica Middleton has been teaching whilst running her own photography business for 11 years.


What were your motivations for becoming a tutor?

It’s great to pass over the knowledge and skills I’ve got from industry and bring those things into the classroom. Teaching was never the original goal, but I enjoy teaching people things that I’ve learnt and being there when students need advice. It’s also nice to have a steady income source. I work in the seasonal wedding industry, so there are times when it’s busy and times where it’s quiet. It’s good to know I’ve got the teaching there as back-up income.


What do you enjoy most about teaching at The City of Liverpool College?

It’s really exciting to see what the new generation is doing. Students regularly teach me things. They’re good with different types of technology and new trends, and often talk about artists or photographers I’ve never heard of. I love seeing their ideas and how the project develops, and having conversions with students who are clearly passionate about the subject.

Some students have had great success stories. It makes you really proud that you’ve helped them along the way. I’ve had students getting involved with the British Institute of Professional Photographers and winning awards. I see their projects clicking into place and they’re getting really excited. It’s great to be a part of that. It’s a big achievement for them, and you’re a part of the journey.


Are there any challenges transitioning from industry?

To begin with it was scary – especially because I was young – I thought I had to prove to students that I knew what I was on about. But over time, your confidence builds, especially once you see the impact that you’re having on the students. It’s not just being there in the classroom – there’s the marking and planning too. But, as you would do with your business, it’s about finding the balance and scheduling the time to do those things.


What would you say to others in your industry who are considering being a tutor?

As a wedding photographer, it’s nice being a part of a special day in someone’s life. I feel like that when I teach, that I’m part of this journey with them. It’s fulfilling really. As you see the students achieve, you get a great sense of achievement yourself.