The City of Liverpool CollegeMP champions vocational education in Liverpool - The City of Liverpool College
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8th January 2019

MP champions vocational education in Liverpool

Staff and students at The City of Liverpool College welcomed Dame Louise Ellman MP and Alan Woods OBE, Chief Executive of the Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT) to the College in December 2018.

Principal Elaine Bowker and the team that delivers VTCT’s technical qualifications and apprenticeships to learners met with the MP and Chief Exec. to discuss the importance of technical education to the UK’s economy and the crucial role it can play in tackling poverty and deprivation. The guests also met with a number of learners who are studying VTCT qualifications and apprenticeships in Level 2 Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy and Barbering, and had the opportunity to watch the trainees in action using skills they have gained.

In light of recent revelations by Ofsted that Level 2 service industry courses, including beauty and hair, were identified by colleges as giving learners the ‘greatest chance’ of progressing into employment, the visitors had the chance to hear first-hand why so many young people are choosing to start their careers in the sector, which is a thriving space for young aspirational professionals seeking a long-term career in the industry.

Ms Ellman, who is MP for Liverpool, Riverside, said: “It was great to look around the College’s hair and beauty training facilities and find out more about how VTCT’s technical qualifications and apprenticeships are upskilling learners in my constituency and beyond.

“Providing young people with high quality education and technical training is crucial, to ensure they have the skills needed to take up new jobs in our economy, boost social mobility in areas that have been left behind and to tackle the UK’s marked skills gap.

“The City of Liverpool College is a vital provider of technical education in our city, and I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to speak to learners about their skills and future career aspirations. We must drive a culture shift to promote technical qualifications and apprenticeships as valuable routes into rewarding careers.”

Alan Woods OBE, Chief Executive of VTCT, said: “VTCT is leading the way in providing high-quality technical awards and assessments and it was fantastic to demonstrate our hugely valuable work to Dame Louise.

“The Government must lead from the top by promoting the value of technical and vocational education, and by making sure that colleges like The City of Liverpool College, and the employers they works with, are able to fund and accommodate the three-month work placement requirement of the new T Levels.

“This will be crucial in ensuring that the Government’s post-16 Skills Plan achieves its intention of delivering lasting change within our technical education and apprenticeships system.”

Liverpool Riverside MP, Dame Louise Ellman (centre right) is pictured with VTCT Chairman Alan Woods OBE; City of Liverpool College Head of School, Hair and Beauty, Helen Farrow; and VTCT Regional Business Development Manager Kate Rolf along with members of The City of Liverpool College Hair & Beauty team.

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