The City of Liverpool CollegeStudents recreate scene from iconic soap opera - The City of Liverpool College
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22nd November 2022

Students recreate scene from iconic soap opera

We caught up with tutors Phil Milor (Creative Media) and Paul Carmichael (Acting) recently, to learn more about a live project they’ve been working on with our talented Media Production and Acting students. The task required the groups to recreate a classic scene from the ever popular soap opera, Coronation Street, which provided our students in training with a unique insight into the working practices of their chosen industries.

Phil said: “Not only do Media students get to research and plan how industry professionals would have worked, but thanks to the state of the art facilities, they can also perform their assigned role working in our TV gallery or on the studio floor. This is where our School and courses differ from some of the more traditional Level 3 courses that are run in school sixth forms and other colleges.” Phil went on to say: “Within the Expressive Arts and Media Academy there are several opportunities during the year for this type of large-scale collaborative project. Having the UAL as our exam board allows tutors to be creative with both their assessments of students and in how we are able to link projects together across courses with a strong industry ethos, helping students to gain a better understanding of their chosen industry, as well as learn the valuable skills any employer would look for in a new employee.”   

Paul said: “Usually actors have to learn on the job with such things as acting for camera and how to work in a studio. We’re very lucky to have state-of-the-art studio facilities so our learners can enjoy a professional working experience, which means they are already ahead of others coming into the acting industry! 

“Collaboratively working on these projects with other L3 students in Media and Production Arts gives our learners important research activities, making academic work interesting and enjoyable, as well as developing them as actors. Using TV scripts from well-loved shows means they carry out in-depth character and acting style studies before entering into an intense rehearsal period, leading to a day of recording on set that reflects the current industry standard. I believe there’s no other further education institution in the city region that can rival both our facilities and the types of experience our students receive as actors in training, in this most vibrant and creative former City of Culture.”

Here’s just a sample of the feedback received from students involved in the project:

“I learned a lot working on the set. I’m used to working in theatre and playing to an audience and it is very different playing to live cameras throughout the day, then doing it all again at night with a live audience! You’ve got to be totally professional and be wary that there are lots of other people working too. Sometimes it can feel quite exhausting but every time, on every take, you’ve got to give it 110%! 

“It was really good working with the Media and Production students as it made everything feel like a professional set and that’s so helpful as an actor. It’s such a vast industry that you need  to be versatile and work with all different types of people. 

“It was really fun looking into the background of my character and the woman who played her, and it meant I could be authentic as an actor with the way I walked and my facial expressions. It was a really fun thing to do and one which taught me so much as an actor.” 
Eden Roberts – L3 Acting (Year 1)

“A fast paced, well organised event and the episode looked great on screen.”
Cerys Steele – UAL Ext. Dip. in Performing and Production Arts

“An excellent learning experience, as everyone had something new to do and it was a good reflection of industry practices.”
Becka Heath – UAL Dip in Performing and Production Arts

“As a second-year L3 Media student, filming Coronation Street was another level of media industry. Really enjoyed working with the actors and the technical teams. Felt so professional and different compared to other projects, in terms of how big each team was. Being a Camera Operator in this project felt like it’s real! Loved it!”
El-Dana Ahmed – L3 UAL Creative Media

“It felt like being a part of something in the industry.”
Elvie Prestridge – L3 UAL Creative Media




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