The City of Liverpool CollegeSU President elected to VP role on NUS Executive - The City of Liverpool College
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10th April 2019

SU President elected to VP role on NUS Executive

A business student from The City of Liverpool College was elected to the role of vice-president for further education this week, at the National Union of Students’ (NUS) conference in Glasgow.

Juliana Mohamad-Noor, who currently holds the role of Students’ Union President at the College, will represent the views and concerns of students from around the country when she takes up her position on the national stage as a member of the NUS’s national executive committee.

Promising to ‘bring the scouse fight to the heart of NUS’, Juliana delivered a barnstorming speech to hundreds of student delegates on conference floor. Railing against cuts to further education, the need for action on climate change and improving the everyday experiences of college students in the classroom, Juliana criticised NUS on its lack of action for students in further education as she appealed to conference for change.

In her election statement, Juliana said: “I entered the movement and felt let down by the conversations on FE, that’s why I brought policy to conference and ran to sit on the NUS’s NEC.

“There’s so much for us in the fight for FE, and as NUS goes through turnaround, I want to defend FE for future generations to come. FE changes lives; let’s make sure it stays that way.”

CoLCSU continues to cement its national reputation as a force in FE student representation following Juliana’s election to a national position on NUS NEC last year, alongside CoLCSU Vice President, Skye Turner’s election as Trans Rep for FE.

The SU fielded a motion and passed policy at last year’s conference on fair funding and access to education and has won several awards over the last 12 months, including Trans FE College of the Year, the Green SU award and was highly commended at the Black Students’ conference for its work on reducing the black attainment gap.

Juliana said of her election: “I’m very honoured to have been elected as NUS Vice President for Further Education to represent the 4 million FE students across the UK.

“I look forward to commencing my term and expanding upon my 3 years in the Student Movement, acting as Vice President and President of The City of Liverpool College Students’ Union.”

Juliana will take up post on the National Union of Students national executive committee from 01 July 2019.


Photo 1:  CoLC Students’ Union delegates          Photo 2: Juliana presenting her election statement

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