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Since 2017, a compulsory apprenticeship levy of 0.5% has been in place for all employers with a pay bill of £3m or more. The levy allows you as a business to take control of your apprenticeship funds, encouraging you to invest in and create apprenticeship opportunities.
To avoid your unspent Levy funds being returned to the treasury, speak to our Workforce Development Team about Levy Transfers and Utilising Your Levy.

Levy Transfers
As a levy paying employer, you can transfer up to 25% of your unused levy funds to a business of your choice, to fund their apprenticeship training opportunities. When you choose to transfer you can select how much you want to transfer, as well as the businesses you’d like to support by selecting optional sector, skill or location criteria.
Transferring levy funds supports businesses in your area and creates more career opportunities across England.

Utilising Your Levy
Speak to us about spending your levy. We offer free, impartial advice on how to fully utilise your levy and strengthen your workforce.

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