The City of Liverpool CollegeMental Health - The City of Liverpool College
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Mental Health

Coming to college is, for the majority of students, a fantastic experience. It’s a chance to meet new people, have lots of new opportunities, achieve your academic goals and work towards a career.
At The City of Liverpool College, we’ve created an environment that focuses on your health and wellbeing, to help you live a healthy, happy and productive life. This will also support your future development and help you achieve your full potential.
We want all our students to have a positive experience, so it’s important that you ask for advice and support as early as possible to reduce any impact on your mental health.


Click on any of the tabs below for more information

How We Can Support You

The Mental Health team offers support around practical, day- to-day solutions to various issues. It also supports students with existing mental health conditions, in addition to offering advice and support on the following:

  • Assessment of whether practical adjustments could be made to teaching, coursework hand-in times or exams, to  reduce the impact that a mental health condition has on the your studies at college
  • Support when discussing needs to teaching staff should this be required
  • Practical goal setting and suggestions of how to address certain issues you may be experiencing
  • Support accessing local statutory services such as Merseycare and CAMHS and other non-statutory agencies such as YPAS
  • Signposting to agencies who can support students with alcohol and substance use issues, self-harm, anxiety, and depression
  • Signposting to internal and external counselling services.
Students Against Depression
Students Against Depression

Students Against Depression offers support for students at college and university who may be struggling with their mental health.  It provides a calm environment and the resources to help you find a way forward if affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking.

Visit the website for a range of free resources, expert advice and guidance.

Mersey Care Student Health Line
Mersey Care Student Health Line

Mersey Care has launched the new Student Help Line for students on Merseyside to highlight the importance of maintaining good mental health and wellbeing.  The helpline urges anyone with concerns around physical, mental and sexual health to get in touch – call: 0151 295 9900.  Lines are open 8am – 8pm daily.

Dedicated Support for Higher Education Students

Student Space is a website providing a range of health and well-being support for higher education students. It’s a safe, confidential resource that has been developed with students and experts in student well-being and mental health.

Find out more about Student Space here

Meet the Team

Linda Leonard – Safeguarding, Mental Health and Wellbeing Manager

Mental Health Advisors:

Nadia Bakir –  0151 252 4815

Francesca Loguellou –  0151 252 3150

Afifa Madni –  0151 252 4617

Ellie Radcliffe –  0151 252 3676


If you’re a student of the college and need to speak to a college adviser (Mon – Fri 9-5pm), please call 252 4848.

Out of Hours Support

For help or advice out of normal working hours, students can access the following organisations: (aged up to 25)
Partnership Working

The college has a strong working relationship with key mental health support providers across the city and wider areas and is able to support you with referrals to these services.  We will always discuss this with you first and the benefits that each agency provides.

Emergency Contact Numbers – to support around your mental health

Tel: Crisis Line Support – 0151 296 7200

Tel: Psychological Support Line – 0151 473 0303

View:  Merseycare 24-hour phone/online support services

If you need immediate support, you can also attend your GP or local A & E department outside normal office hours.

Other Key Agencies We Work With

The Trust was set up in 1997 in memory of Charlie Waller, a young man who took his own life whilst suffering from depression.  Shortly after his death, his family founded the Trust in order to educate young people on the importance of staying mentally well and how to do so.

The aim of the Trust is to increase awareness of the signs and dangers of depression amongst young people and to encourage those who may be depressed to seek help. It also encourages those that are well to pick up the symptoms in others and persuade them to get help.

CAMHS is used as a term for all services that work with children and young people who have difficulties with their emotional or behavioural well-being.

Local areas have several different support services available. These might be from the statutory, voluntary, or school-based sector, such as an NHS trust, local authority, school, or charitable organisation.

Children and young people may need help with a wide range of issues at different points in their lives. Parents and carers may also need help and advice to deal with behavioural or other problems their child is experiencing. Parents, carers, and young people can receive direct support through CAMHS.

Visit the Liverpool CAMHS website to access a range of useful websites and apps

Kooth is one of the College’s key partners. Kooth is a transformational, digital mental health support service for 16-25 year olds. It gives children and young people easy access to an online community of peers and a team of experienced counsellors.  Access is free of the typical barriers to support: no waiting lists; no thresholds; no costs; and complete anonymity.

To find out more about the services available for students aged 16-25, visit: Kooth 

Coronavirus Support Resources

The following links provide additional support resources for students struggling with concerns about coronavirus:

Anna Freud Coronavirus Support

Young Minds Coronavirus Support

Young Minds Self-Isolating Support

Childline Coronavirus Support

Student Minds Coronavirus Resources